- Thoughts for inspired living

April 16, 2009


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:23 am

How little we celebrate. How shortsighted!

It occurs to me that celebration is a lot like gratitude. We can always find a reason to engage in either.

But it’s not necessary to have a reason. Here’s a wild suggestion: Just go out on a limb today and celebrate for no good reason. The trick is to remember to do it again tomorrow as well.

You can tie the two mindsets together. Think of something you are grateful for, then celebrate it. It’s sort of like the Steve Martin comment that you can’t be sad while playing the banjo. It’s difficult to hang on to heavy thoughts when you are celebrating and grateful.

Sadness has its place, but not at the head of the table.

How easy is it to find something right now that you are grateful for? It’s that easy, every time you remember to remember. Celebration is the natural extension of gratitude. They’re symbiotic.

I have lots to be grateful for and so do you. So let’s celebrate!

All the best,


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