I was struck with the thought the other day that America exudes the most energy of any nation on earth. Any nationalism aside, it seems to be an accurate observation. I think most folks around the globe would agree.
So, it got me to wondering. What is that energy? The Grasshopper popped in and offered this: “The energy of America is selling you something.”
It seems we’re always selling something. We’re like the salesperson who can’t turn it off, even when quarantined or on holiday.
That energy or propensity to sell is what drives America.
I’m only guessing here but I’d wager America has the most home-based businesses per capita than anywhere else I can think of.
It’s that passion to sell that makes us excel.
But before this turns into a Tony Robbins seminar, let me say there is a downside to this perpetual sell. Namely, we think if we stop selling, we’ll stop breathing. So, we continue past our “sell by” date, and it causes our energy to dissipate. We needlessly wear ourselves out.
The recommendation is not to stop selling; it’s to know when to turn it off and tune in to what’s right in front of you. Learn to appreciate your needs and stop peddling what others need for just a moment. Take the time to immerse yourself in the sublime and lose track of time and reclaim your energy in the process.
Don’t worry that we’ll lose our place on the world stage when you turn it off. There’ll be more than enough of your neighbors that won’t heed this message. Have no fear, they’ll keep the Sell-A-Thon in high gear.
Gee, I hope I’ve made the sale. But it’s time for me to bail and take a walk down the inner peace trail.
Filed under: Uncategorized — John Morgan @ 7:28 pm
Dear Santa,
I’m not at a loss as to what to ask for this year because I want so much.
At the top of my list is this: Can you get the media to cease the 24/7 bombardment of Covid-19 and “variant” news? Can we get a cease fire on this for the holidays, Santa?
Speaking of the media, please have them stop labeling everything as “Breaking News.” Most often, it broke a long time ago. BREAKING NEWS: Toddler knocks over Christmas tree. Let’s go to our reporter on the scene.
And Santa, this is just a curiosity question, but has any worker behind the deli counter ever said, “Is a little under OK?”
And finally, I’m not sure you have any sway on my last request but if you do, please have the New England Patriots and The Tampa Bay Buccaneers be in the Super Bowl this year? I’d be rooting for “Team Tommy” but I’m loving what “Team Bill” has done with the Patriots, and what’s not to like about their quarterback Mac Jones?
Thanks, for reading my letter, Santa. I hope you, Rudolph, and the gang have eaten your Wheaties because I’m sure you’ll be unloading tons of merchandise from the cargo ships.
Filed under: Uncategorized — John Morgan @ 5:17 am
The Grasshopper offered this piece of adhesive input the other day: “You can’t help anyone stuck to their story.”
Your story, my story, is a history lesson of how you got to where you are. It’s not a roadmap that will take you in a new direction. In fact, it only goes in one direction: backwards!
I feel sorry for therapists. They listen to peoples’ stories every day. It’s the same story the client has told to countless people, countless times. The hope is that telling it again will provide relief and a direction forward if only they can find the right person to tell it to.
Sorry to dash your hopes but your story doesn’t provide answers, only justifications for keeping you stuck. Your therapist, friend, clergy member, bartender only needs to hear your story once. This shows them where you’re stuck. It’s now their challenge to get you to recognize that telling that tale again is a waste of both of your times. Then it’s time to work on a plan to get you moving in the direction you need to go: forward!
It’s my experience that people are obsessed with telling you how they got to where they are. Their story is populated with other people who are the cause of their current location. That may well be true, but continuing to tell your tale acts as glue, keeping you stuck to your story.
Continually focusing on how you got here delays moving forward. Consider this. Pretend that you arrived at a desolate destination by car. The car is now gone. How is prattling on about how you arrived helpful in getting you out of there? It’s not, and never will be.
It’s time to notice where you currently are, set a goal to where you want to go, and then start building a bridge from here to there.
The story you do want to tell is how you got back on your feet. You can only tell that one by removing the glue from your shoe.
People are tired of hearing your story, even those close to you. If it was helpful in moving you forward, I would encourage you to go on an international speaking tour and tell the whole world. But it’s not. It’s a governor on your progress.
The more time you spend telling your account of why and how, the less time you spend in the only time you can craft your future: Now!