Your Perfect Blend
It seems as though everyone is looking for the ideal mix. We keep tinkering with the formula in search of the perfect blend.
What are we looking to combine for this ideal potion? – Our human nature and our spirit.
There is a not a perfect blend that works for everyone. It’s quite individual, but when you taste it, there is no mistake that this is the infusion that had to be in the Holy Grail.
Like a car going over a pothole, we get out of alignment from time to time. That’s the time to check your balance and make sure your parts are in the appropriate proportions.
There is no getting away from being human. It’s a part of us that’s to be honored and celebrated. It’s when we are tilted too far in the human direction that we experience the hopelessness of being an isolated individual. We have no real connection with others because we deem them separate from us. Our relationships are superficial, and when we realize they aren’t working, we add more dashes of human to the mix in order to rescue them. That never works long term. It may get you over the hump, but that camel is eventually going to bite you in the rump.
The secret to the ideal blend is to always infuse more spirit. It is the counter balance to human’s weakness of adding too many ingredients. This practice stems from the false premise that “more is better.”
Reminds me of a story . . .
A radio consultant named Lorna Osmon has a terrific technique she uses to have radio personalities reel in their habit of using too many words to say very little. She records one of their talk segments and transcribes it word for word. She then edits out all the unnecessary verbiage without changing the message. She then asks the radio personality to record her edited version and then she plays back both the original and edited versions for them. The difference is like night and light.
Adding more spirit happens automatically when you subtract an overabundance of human. Spirit is like water; it’s always ready to flow towards a void.
The practice that always adds too much human to the blend is summed up in a phrase I coined a few years ago – “Chasing the Horizon.”
At least if you chase a carrot and catch it, you have something to eat. When you near the horizon, you only get more horizon and continue to hunger. The only way to sate that hunger is with spirit.
To make room for more spirit it’s necessary to have more spaces show up between your human thoughts. There are many ways to get to that condition of calm and there’s one that will work for you.
If you haven’t already done so, find a practice that quiets your mind and engage in this practice every day. The sensations that come out of the silence of spirit intermingle with your human nature to concoct your perfect blend.
You can keep searching for ingredients to add to your latte until you wind up in an urn, or you can start sipping the serenity of spirit and find your perfect blend today.
All the best,
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