- Thoughts for inspired living

February 26, 2009

No Time

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 8:53 am

Einstein had no time for time. I may have no time for American Idol and you may have no time for watching Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Woods Y’all! play golf, but we seem to make time for lots of other things.

Time is a perceptual construct. We take our limited senses and attempt to cram infinity into them and come up with the notion of time. It’s all quite logical, and like all logic it lives in a box that we only perceive the inside of.

Let’s look at the concept of time regarding the word “happen.” “Happened” is in the past and “will happen” is in the future, but the only time the action of happening can happen is right now in the present.

Think of right now as the space where action happens. It was the same space that something happened in, in the past, and it is the same space that it will happen in the future. The space remains constant and is not subject to the limitations of time.

Indulge me one more metaphor. Think of a clock face as the space where action happens and then think of the hour, minute, and second hands as time. Time happens in the same space all the time. The space is right now, the only time there is.

All things happen at once in the space of right now, but we sequence them through a limited perception filter that we call time.

This brings up the question that Facebook and Twitter ask: “What are you doing right now?”

This is a focusing question that takes time out of the equation.

The action you take right now is the only one that can effectuate change. The actions you’ve taken in the past and the actions you plan to take in the future don’t exist right now. So permit me to ask the question again: “What are you doing right now?”

If you have something in mind that you want to change, the only space that change can happen in is right now. You can’t change yesterday and you have the opportunity to change tomorrow, but only by acting in the space of right now.

If you can open yourself to the idea that action can only take place right now, you will get more done in the space we call time.

Notice the question isn’t: “What should I be doing right now?” nor is it “What should I have done back then?” The question is: “What am I doing right now?”

If you can ask the question and suspend your judgements about the actions you are taking at this moment, you insert a catalyst into the process of change.

The observation of right now will get more accomplished than any 5 year or 10 step plan. They focus on what you should be doing versus what you are doing. When you continually notice the actual action you are taking right now, it reveals the space where more and different actions can take place.

It’s really this simple: Focusing on right now suspends time and shows you the space where action takes place.

This isn’t a treatise intended to have you throw away your watch or to miss scheduled appointments. It’s a focusing exercise that allows change to happen quicker.

I wonder how quickly you’ll make time to ask, “What am I doing right now?”

All the best,


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