- Thoughts for inspired living

June 8, 2009

Nurture or Negation?

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 8:29 am

Here’s a new turn to an old phrase: “Birds of a feather s**t together.”

Did you ever notice that some people surround themselves with people who give them an excuse to continue their behavior? The psychological community calls these surrounding folks “enablers.”

The person caught in a web of problematic behavior has little chance for escape while hanging out with enabling spiders.

Many years ago, I remember Harvey Diamond co-author of FIT FOR LIFE telling me that if you return to the conditions of health, watch your health return.

I recently read Dr. Bruce Lipton‘s THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF where he addresses the same topic on a cellular level. He discovered during his cellular biology work that if you provide a nutrient rich environment to a sick cell, it returns to a healthy state.

The same formula applies to human behavior.

If you hang out with a pack of thieves, where is your focus? – On stealing.

Do the people you hang with allow you to get away with your debilitating behavior? You call them friends, but a person in this situation wouldn’t recognize a real friend if it handed them a business card. This environment will never return you to a condition of health – physical or otherwise.

People who make excuses for your behavior have their head somewhere where the light of day doesn’t shine. You may call this love, but I call it an assisted suicide on the installment plan.

The mirror is your physician. It won’t lie and it doesn’t airbrush. Take a good look, flaws and all and then step away and evaluate the environment that’s contributing to your situation.

Change your environment and you are at the doorstep of change.

This or any other message of change won’t reach a person unwilling to stop swimming in a cesspool.

“But sometimes it takes a gruff old son of a bitch like me to get your attention,” said the late Dr. Dave Dobson.

This is a gruff message that’s attempting to reach the insulated parts of us that need to hear it.

Does your surrounding environment nurture or negate you?

You already know the answer. The hope is that you give it before the test is over.

All the best,



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