The Grasshopper created a bumper sticker this morning: “Winners Choose, Reactors Lose.”
It seems The Grasshopper is reminding me more about options these days than ever before.
Let’s define winners, for the sake of this observation, as those with more recognizable options and losers as the ones who fail to see them.
If you look out one window all the time, you will be presented with the same scenery. There may be a change of color with the changing of seasons, but it’s the same observation for the most part.
Where else can you look? Anywhere but where you’ve been looking seems to be the answer.
Winners view the world from multiple vantage points and select the option that has the best chance for success. Those who lose fail to choose. They take the one option that their conditioning presents them with again and again.
The biggest challenge for someone who is stuck is to recognize there are options. We get so focused on fatality that we lose sight of reality – which is the sum total of all options.
The reality we would be wise to get in touch with is that we have options to choose.
The first step is to know they are there without knowing specifically what they are. Once we open ourselves up to possibility, it’s not too long afterward that options appear.
Losing is singular, winning is plural. Winning requires options. Losing is picking the same option again and again.
It is hoped that I have given you some options to consider.
All the best,
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