- Thoughts for inspired living

January 7, 2009


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 8:52 am

I noticed freezing rain when I woke up this morning. It brought up cautious thoughts in my mind – walk cautiously, drive cautiously, etc. I even turned on the TV – a rarity in the morning for me. I noticed a bevy of school delays scrolling across the bottom of the screen due to the weather.

Then I put a little salt on the front steps and leashed up “Snuffy the Black Nosed Beagle” for our morning walk, uh slide.

You may say my focus was on the downside of the weather, and then it happened.

I was presented with a thing of beauty.

My neighbor’s leaf bare tree was covered in ice and it captured my full attention. It was a vision of beauty.

It got me to wondering, “Who recognized the beauty?”

My eyes certainly saw it. My intellect commented on it. I got a very special feeling about it, but the question remained, “Who recognized the beauty?”

The answer came a few steps later – The beauty in me.

The beauty in us has the power to break through our trance, stop our conditioned, message machine of a mind, and deliver an experience we can’t consciously create.

Who recognizes the beauty in others? – The beauty in you!

We have a tendency to give lip service to the concept that beauty is on the inside, without recognizing that it’s really the case.

Everyone has this inner beauty, but it’s iced over for most of us with layers of conditioning and pretense. Sometimes it takes a thing of beauty to remind us how beautiful we all are. And when we have that recognition, the ice begins to melt and fade away.

You couldn’t experience beauty without having your own beauty recognize it.

So, the next time you are stopped in your tracks by a thing of beauty, let it serve as a reminder of how beautiful you are, so that you can let that beauty show through more often.

All the best,


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