- Thoughts for inspired living

September 17, 2008

Open Letter

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 8:16 am

Here’s an open letter to you.

Believe in something besides yourself.

There is no pain that forgiveness cannot wash away. Allow yourself forgiveness.

Be grateful for the gifts that you already have and watch them multiply.

Learn to apologize with heartfelt sincerity. It mends wounds.

Getting the most out of life is an inside, not an outside adventure.

Go deeper than superficial and you’ll be more than liked; you’ll be respected.

Divorce yourself from denial and watch yourself blossom.

Your secrets are transparent. Everyone knows them at some level. Stop hiding.

People who help keep your excuses alive are not true friends.

Confession is more than good for the soul, it’s necessary for growth.

Accept natural endings and you’ll never endure the pain of staying at the party too long.

Clean up your life and let everyone see your light.

Give yourself to something or someone and watch your ability to risk rapidly mature.

The weight of the world exists only in your mind.

Gently dismantle your conditioned image and you’ll love what you see in the mirror.

All the best,


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