Imperfect Perfection
Happened upon this hunk of reality issued about a decade ago:
“People who are perfectionists have a false sense of perfection. That’s why they usually come up short because they have an imperfect goal to shoot for.”
A perfectionist denies reality by constantly expecting the upside and being highly disappointed with themselves and others when that’s not the case.
When people accept the reality that shows up, then they will truly know perfect. The Grasshopper reminded us that “Reality is Perfection.”
You can always count on reality to deliver what it delivers. You may be disappointed with what lands in your lap and decide to do something about it. That’s the nice thing about reality, it offers options. You can spend time by railing that the result is not perfect and endure the mental assault of your mind, or you can respond to the reality and create something different – another reality, another perfect.
There is an old saying that states, “You can’t push a river, but you can guide it.”
Perfectionists waste energy attempting to push the river. The river is going to do what it does and it’s too big and powerful to be pushed around. It can, however, be diverted and directed to where it serves our needs.
To guide the river, you need to first accept the results that you get. Notice I didn’t say settle for the results you get. Settling is giving up and being exasperated. That’s where most perfectionists wind up.
Yes, shoot for the moon and expect to get what you go after. That’s quite healthy. But not having a contingency plan for reality is as imperfect as it gets. Perfectionists are short-sighted and live in the clouds. They lack the flexibility necessary to deal with things when they don’t go as planned.
Having high standards and being a perfectionist are quite different. One knows the perfection of flexibility; the other attempts to live in the artist’s rendition of the home rather than in the home itself.
Make today a perfect day and respond to the perfection of reality.
All the best,
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