- Thoughts for inspired living

February 6, 2018


Filed under: Uncategorized — John Morgan @ 4:48 am

SuspiciousCame across a Grasshopper quote from about 10 years ago that’s timeless: “Sensations need no debate – they’re either OK or not OK.”

I wonder how often we stall a solution by debating the facts. Facts are needed fundamentals to build a case, but the jury is still out on their effectiveness alone.

Sensations show up in your body way before you ever consider a fact in your head. They instantly register in our body but we’ve been conditioned that we have to quibble about what the sensations mean.

“Do the right thing” is more than a Spike Lee movie or an old adage passed on by your great-grandparents. It’s a directive from your gut. We instantly sense right from wrong but get caught up in mitigating the situation by attempting to bend facts to fit our narrative. That’s senseless.

If you’ve ever been scammed (and who hasn’t), you understand the folly of ignoring your not OK feelings. They were always there but the logic goes like this: This person seems so nice (Think TV preachers) that I should ignore what I’m sensing.

Ignore your senses at your own peril. As I look back over the many times I’ve discounted mine, I recognize that all I was left with was an empty feeling.

Perhaps it’s time to recalibrate your internal geiger counter. That means to start giving credence to OK and not OK feelings. Pay more attention to them and the guarantee is this: You’ll feel sensational.

All the best,


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