- Thoughts for inspired living

October 26, 2017

Have You Ever Noticed?

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 12:59 am

NoticingHad a phone conversation with my friend Hali yesterday and she told me about something she noticed. She, being a thrift store shopper, noticed that the thrift stores that have higher end merchandise have more books on inventory than the thrift stores with lower end goods.

It got me to wondering about noticing.

Have you ever noticed that the person who speaks incredibly loud has the least to say?

Have you ever noticed that the people with the most rules are the first to complain?

Have you ever noticed that TV ads for medicines you never heard of contain the words “your doctor” at least 3 times in the ad?

Have you ever noticed that someone who says, “that’s a good question” is stalling?

Have you ever noticed that the most oppositional people you know are also the most immature?

Just a few more . . .

Have you ever noticed that people who say, “I’m sorry, but . . . ” are not sorry?

Have you ever noticed that people who speak in hyperbole always under-deliver?

Have you ever noticed the most angry people you know are also the most sad?

This may sound like a rant and it is, but the larger point is to start noticing the bothersome things we do that cause others to say, “Have you ever noticed?” about you.

All the best,


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