- Thoughts for inspired living

November 13, 2013

The War on Peace

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 5:10 am

C668801 mThere is a battle that rages everyday – a battle for your mind. It’s the War on Peace.

The warring factions are War and Peace themselves, but only one is actively fighting; the other is just waiting.

War is the attacking army; Peace isn’t even on the battlefield. War doesn’t need an opponent, just a mission to disturb the peace.

Unrest is the catalyst for war. Our minds search for ways not to be at peace. The funny thing is we believe we have to go to war to find peace. The reality is this: Peace is the absence of War.

Newton’s First Law of Motion comes to mind – A body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion – unless acted upon by an outside force.

Your peace of mind is under attack when you need something to be upset about. It reminds me of what my aunt said about my father: “He’s always mad at somebody.”

Dwelling on an upset robs you of your peace. That doesn’t mean not to seek a solution; it just means a solution won’t be found while you’re at war. Peace can only be found when war ceases. Think of it this way: You’ve never seen Clark Kent and Superman in the same place. The same is true for War and Peace.

A peaceful mind has no enemies.

Recognition is the olive branch towards Peace. Recognize that your mind is at war. Just a momentary observation, without participation, of your mind at war causes a brief cease fire. It’s in that tiny space that you get a glimpse of, and a feel for, Peace.

The longer you continue to observe without picking up a weapon to participate, the longer you will remain at peace.

Observation of your mind at war is the key to peace. The minute you decide that you have to be mad at something or someone, your peace disappears and you are battling with yourself.

The key to keeping war alive is justification; the key to peace is just letting it go. Justification for your unrest is the fuel for the fires of war. “The reason I’m mad at that (expletive) is because (fill in the blank).” That’s a declaration of war.

We all experience unrest; it’s just a matter of what we do with it. Continually justifying our unrest makes our mind a war room; Peace is closer than your next justification.

All the best,


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