Smart or Savvy?
I think, given a choice, most people would rather be smart than stupid, but when presented with the question “Would you rather be smart or savvy?”, they’re not as quick to answer.
We, as a culture, have put a premium on being smart. Some worship at the altar of intelligence and that’s really not a bad religion to have, except if you exclude people who aren’t necessarily smart but savvy.
Smart can sometimes be bonded with it’s uppity second cousin, “Superior.” Just look at some in the world of academia if you need textbook examples.
Smart, by itself, can be very limiting because of the amount of knowing that comes along with it. As The Grasshopper reminded us years ago, “When you know, you shut off the flow“ of learning.
Savvy is often treated like an underling. Sidebar: I was talking to a photography sales person about a particular product compared to another brand. I said, “So brand B is the ugly step-sister.” He responded, “But she brings the family fortune with her.”
Savvy is more open to new approaches than is smart. Savvy is more concerned with what’s possible rather than knowing all the reasons something can’t be done.
Savvy takes the facts and figures of many smart people and weaves them into a tapestry that would never exist if left to the world of knowers.
I enjoy being around smart people. They certainly can elevate a conversation and they often add to my vocabulary. I equally enjoy savvy people because they show me how to get things done.
If you run into a combination of smart and savvy, make sure to hang around that person as often as you can. Not only will you learn more but you’ll get more done.
All the best,
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