“Life is a mystery – one that you’ll never figure out in a lifetime.” So said The Grasshopper, sounding like a character from an Agatha Christie novel.
I like solving puzzles and mysteries. They really take my mind for a ride. What I’ve come to realize is that when I successfully solve something, I have solved a situation, which is an isolated event in an ongoing puzzle.
There will be more of life’s puzzles ahead, but unlike the one on the coffee table, there is no final piece to place. Life is an infinite puzzle that’s unsolvable. So what’s the point of attempting to solve life’s puzzles?
Satisfaction in the moment seems to come to mind, but I believe there’s a more fulfilling benefit to solving life’s mysteries. Every attempt provides you with one of life’s most precious gifts – Resourcefulness.
Everyone has resources, but many of them remain hidden from us because we don’t make the effort to solve life’s puzzles. We look for someone “smarter” or “better” or “more suited” than us to do the tedious work. Just as you can’t have someone go to the gym and do your workout for you, you can’t benefit from life’s puzzles by not attempting to solve them yourself.
You can certainly enlist help, but you have to be part of the process to get the gift of resourcefulness.
Uncovering resourcefulness is simply giving yourself the opportunity to respond to life’s mysteries, rather than react to them. Reactions take you to familiar ground – nowhere; responses make you resourceful.
It’s true that you’ll never get out of life alive, but you’ll remain alive your entire life if you are resourceful.
Take the time to interrupt your reactions to life’s mysteries, then wait for a response before acting. Then you’ll discover one of life’s mysterious delights – your resourcefulness.
All the best,
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