Waking Up
Awakening is like a Lay’s Potato Chip, you just can’t have one.
I woke up last summer and I cannot describe the experience because awakening has no words. You’re so steeped in a serenely connected experience where words don’t belong.
I could speak but I didn’t want to, and when I did, the words didn’t pre-form in my head; they came from somewhere else without agenda.
This is not akin to any artificial highs I have ever experienced in my lifetime. They brought me below consciousness. Awakening is consciousness itself.
I have experienced brief awakenings since and it’s from this place that infusion begins. My life has become infused with more and more of these moments. They sneak up on me, and what a pleasant surprise it is when they silently say, “Boo!”
This isn’t about me; it’s about us. Awakening is available to everyone. You’ve experience awakening if you ever had your breath taken away by something of beauty – a sight to behold that couldn’t hold any words. They went away with your breath. You were just totally aware without comment.
It was raining last summer when I had this experience and it’s raining this morning as I write. I’m aware of the different sounds the raindrops make as they hit different surfaces – the leaves, the ground, the rain gutter. I’m conscious of things that normally escape my consciousness.
I woke up twice this morning – when my eyes opened and when my commentary shut down.
I have a friend who has many skills and one of them is his ability to guide you to an awake state. His name is Jerry Stocking and I encourage anyone curious about waking up to get to one of his workshops.
Potato chips, anyone?
All the best,
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