I’m not sure what motivation is. I’ve been called a motivator but I’m confused by that term as well.
It’s as though motivation is something you have to get. I don’t get that.
Sometimes motivation is described as getting people to do something you want them to do. Other times it’s described as getting them to do something they want or don’t want to do. I don’t think it’s either.
I don’t think motivation exists; I just think it’s a name we made up to make excuses for our inaction.
If you can’t get started on something, you may say, “I need motivation to begin.”
My sense is we need to act to begin, rather than wait for mythical motivation. Action is measurable behavior we can see instant results from.
Waiting for motivation always delays action.
Action is movement. You have to make a move in order to begin something. Waiting for motivation is a cover story for inaction.
Suppose you are a writer or a painter and you’re not “motivated” to write or paint. Pick up a pen or paintbrush and begin the action of writing or painting. That’s a start. Conversely, motivation is waiting to start.
Action begins a process, always has and always will.
The good news is it doesn’t take a big action to begin moving. That’s another myth we’ve bought into that keeps us waiting for motivation. In fact, big steps can be an impediment to action. When we consider what we have to do as a huge mountain to climb rather than taking one step towards the foothills, we often fail to act.
The next time you fall into the waiting for motivation trap, notice how inactive you are.
Inactivity is the culprit, not a lack of motivation.
Here is an acronym to refer to when you find yourself waiting for motivation:
S. Start believing in something that does exist – Action.
T. Take baby steps at first.
A. Action is salvation.
R. Repeat an action. It will save you from waiting for that which will not come.
T. Take motivation out of your vocabulary.
I’m not sure I’ve completely debunked motivation, but it’s a start.
All the best,
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