- Thoughts for inspired living

January 28, 2008


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 8:44 am

Erosion is the displacement of solids or the wearing away of solid forms.

We can witness the effect of erosion on rocks when we observe canyons that once had water running through them.

If someone tells you that you have rocks in your head, make sure to thank them for an accurate observation. Patterns of behavior can be likened to rocks in a stream and the constant passage of water can wear a rock down. Also imagine that these rocks are in the stream of thinking and influence your thoughts and behaviors as the stream alters its course by passing over and around them.

In most cases, you have to wait centuries to notice any appreciable erosion of rocks. In the human mind, you can accelerate rock erosion. It’s a simple matter of noticing. Back in January of 2006, The Grasshopper chirped in with this thought:

“Accelerate rock erosion by noticing they are there.”

Is there a pattern of behavior that keeps showing up in your life that you would like to alter?

The main difficulty that stands in the way of the erosion process is judging that pattern as a solid entity that is too strong to have any agent of change be effective. You could label that mindset as hopelessness or weakness. “I’m hopelessly obese.” “I’m a spineless wimp.” “(fill in the blank).”

When we appreciate that patterns, like everything else, are energy forms, we begin the process of erosion. “Solid as a rock” is an expression – not a reality. The atomic reality is that things we have perceived as solid are 99.99% space at the quantum level. The same is true of these energy forms called patterns. Patterns seem solid and that illusion keeps us from succeeding in our quest to erode them.

So it’s a two step process to accelerate pattern erosion.

  1. Know that which is perceived as solid and immovable is mainly space. This simple recognition opens the door to possibility.
  2. Observe the pattern of behavior, while it’s running, as a bystander. This means to catch yourself in midstream while you are running a pattern of behavior that you would like to erode. Then just observe yourself running the pattern. Don’t judge it – just observe it. This observation is the catalyst to muster the forces of erosion.

The more often you non-judgmentally observe a pattern of behavior, while it’s running, the quicker pattern begins to erode.

This is more than a novel concept or philosophical position when you actually make the effort to repeatedly do the exercise.

So the real question is: Do you want a piece of the rock or the peace of the space?

All the best,


P.S. Today is my sister Jackie’s birthday. Happy Birthday Sis! Did I mention she is my older sister?

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