- Thoughts for inspired living

February 13, 2009

Wrapped Up

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 10:07 am

I revisited a quote from my Grasshopper Journal from a few years back. It read:

“Ego: All wrapped up in whom I’m not.”

What makes us what we’re not more than our thoughts? The universal mistake we make is identifying ourselves with the thoughts we have in our head. We take ownership of them and identity ourselves by them. We don’t really own the thoughts; they own us. We get all wrapped up in them and mistake them for who we are.

Because you are thinking you are “this or that” doesn’t mean that you really are “this or that” – you just think you are.

Being bound by your thoughts, and taking your identity from them, is the ego at work. Because if you discover that you are not your thoughts, the shackles unlock and the ego begins to die – a fate worse than death itself for your ego.

Your ego driven mind will do everything in its power to stay alive and keep you believing in the illusion that you are your thoughts. It never wants you to know that you only rent those thoughts and that there are millions of other places you can rent. It wants your thoughts to own you and keep you in place because your ego is the granddaddy of control.

You are being controlled by something that is invested in keeping you stuck. It doesn’t want you to move. It hates losing a tenant because a vacant mind is its worst enemy.

So this Valentine’s Weekend begin to unwrap yourself and find out that you are more than your thoughts. When you make this discovery, I won’t promise you that it will be all hearts and flowers for the rest of your journey, but you will begin to recognize that you have been confusing the wrapping paper with the gift.

This simple awareness will free you from your thoughts more often and you will receive more gifts.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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