- Thoughts for inspired living

February 10, 2009


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 9:04 am

Looking back over my Grasshopper Journal, here’s one I missed writing about from late November 2008:

“Thoughts without actions remain thoughts.”

Action seems to be the missing piece in our efforts to move forward. Most would agree that we are currently in a down economy. You would “think” that people would want to take action on things that would either improve their financial position or stem it from spiraling downward. Reminds me of a story . . .

Driving through a blinding snow storm a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t stop my car quickly enough and slid my front bumper into the trailer hitch of the truck that stopped suddenly in front of me. When I got home from the trip, I called a number of car dealers in an effort to get a rough repair estimate for the bumper over the phone. Side note: I’m sure you’ve noticed that car dealers are being adversely affected during this current economic climate.

Each dealer had a different story. One said I would have to provide them the VIN number from my car to assess the correct bumper. My response was it was the standard bumper on the make and model of my car, something I easily found on the internet. They insisted I call back with the VIN number before discussing it any further. The next one wouldn’t offer any rough estimate on the phone. I would have to bring it in. The third took down all my information and would get back to me within the hour. That was 8 days ago. I’m still waiting. The 4th one wanted to debate with me that my model has fog lights and needs a special bumper to accommodate them. My car doesn’t have fog lights.

Not one of these people took action. They wanted to stay married to their philosophy (thoughts) which is contributing to their financial demise. I was a person ready to spend money with the first person who took action. Thoughts are a hindrance to action. They keep you treading water in a cesspool.

You can argue your own limitations inside of your mind forever if you choose. Just keep those same thoughts rolling around in your head and you are guaranteed to remain stuck. My request is to notice that philosophy isn’t working. Reminds me of another story . . .

There was a legendary retail chain in Rhode Island called “Ann & Hope.” This store was so successful that, back in the day, Sam Walton, pioneer of Wal-Mart came up to study how Ann & Hope did business. Walton’s continuing legacy is witnessed everyday across America. Ann & Hope is out of business and has one remaining outlet store. My guess is that Ann & Hope got stuck in its philosophy and Wal-Mart took action and grew.

When you wake up and have the same battle inside your head every day, you are a prisoner to your thoughts. There is a certain inertia that goes along with thinking that makes taking action such an uphill climb.

When your thinking stops, even for a moment, you have access to innumerable action plans, any one of which will move your forward. If you want to stay in the comfort zone of your own thought pen, it quickly turns into a sty ā€“ one that you defend with your thinking ā€“ and one that keeps you penned in. It’s the thought that counts, against you.

Action begins when thoughts cease. Get curious today as to how toxic and limiting your thinking is and begin to notice how the observance of a thought causes it to melt and fade away. This process of observing makes room for action and room for growth.

All the best,


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