- Thoughts for inspired living

February 6, 2009


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 9:52 am

All wars have fallout. From armed conflicts, to bar fights, to divorce, to foot stomping spats, there will always be fallout.

All the king’s horses should stay in the barn and the king’s men in their warm beds because their efforts, though noble, will fail.

What to do with the fallout?

Follow nature’s path and build something new.

Did you ever see a rotting tree log in the woods with something growing out of it? That’s fallout at work.

Focusing on the dead log and wishing it were part of the majestic tree once again keeps you embroiled in illusion. Taking the aftermath and reassembling it into something useful is called growth.

There is opportunity for growth every day. We stop that development process in its tracks anytime we look at the fallout and treat it as anything but useful.

Fallout is the material necessary for building a new life situation.

Reminds me of a story . . .

My Mom died in 2001. Her wishes were to be cremated. After the services, I went to the crematorium and pick up her remains. It was a gut wrenching experience for me. Here was my mother reduced to a pile of ashes. I was quite emotional. I went and collected my sister and my niece and we went to carry out part two of my mother’s wishes. She wanted her ashes spread on the beach by the water’s edge. We drove to Townsend’s Inlet in New Jersey where she always fed the ducks and enjoyed the view. I took a portion of her ashes and spread them right where she would have stood to view the evening sunsets. My sister took the remaining ashes home to Coronado, CA and spread a portion of them on the beach there. The final third of Mom’s ashes were to go to Maui where she once visited with my sister and fell in love with all the flora and vistas. It took my sister 7 years to save up the money, but she went to Maui this past summer and deposited Mom’s final ashes into the wet sand by the surf.

The freeing feeling I experienced depositing the fallout of Mom’s existence by the water’s edge cannot be put into words. It was a learning experience that could not be taught in a book or a class. It was life and Mom teaching me a lesson of how to use fallout to grow.

Every experience, no matter how you label it, is an opportunity for growth. It really comes down to adjusting your point of view. If you stay fixated on one point on a circle, you miss 359 other ones – 359 possible directions to explore and grow.

Is fallout clouding your life? If so, it’s time to see what other ways to use it to stimulate growth.

All the best,


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