- Thoughts for inspired living

July 29, 2020

Who Do You Think You Are?

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:00 pm

Question MarkSometimes the title of today’s blogpost takes on a pejorative tone, intimating that you are “too big for your britches.”

I ask the question without bias in an effort to point you in a direction to find out who you truly are.

This much is pretty clear to me: We aren’t who we “think” we are, but we get closer to who we are by noticing what we do.

My friend and celebrated teacher Jerry Stocking recently posted this which sheds abundant light on the topic:

“In the absence of precise data about what you should do, it is often useful to notice what you do. And let what you do lead you to what you do next, and let the sum of what you do provide a glimpse into who you are, as what you think serenades, providing background entertainment, mood music for the expression of who you really are.”

I find that you are the you that shows up between your thoughts, not the person who gets lost in them, or spouts them ad nauseam to anyone willing to listen.

Doing is an elixir; it calms the mind and engages the body. Like the ancient Chinese saying reminds us: “Talk doesn’t cook rice.”

My preference is this: Don’t tell me what you’re going to do; show me what you’re doing.

You can waste your days continually thinking about who your really are, OR you can do something about it.

All the best,


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