- Thoughts for inspired living

July 15, 2020

The Creative 2-Step

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:31 am

Isaiah mcclean 9 D4NtyYHE8 unsplashWe do a lot of dances in a lifetime, probably the most famous being, “Two steps forward, one step back.” That one’s like “The Twist”; everybody can do it.

There is another dance that requires two steps. We often do the first one but don’t do the second to complete the move. I call it “The Creative-2 Step.”

And coming from someone who is a “Johnny Castle Dance School” dropout – me, I can attest that “The Creative 2-Step” is easy to learn, but it takes follow-through. You have to do Step number 2.

If you don’t, you only do half a dance. It would be like doing “The Cha” instead of the “Cha-Cha.”

So, here are the two steps to the Creativity Dance:

1. The Inspiration.

2. The Implementation.

How often have you gotten a creative idea from out of the blue and then just let it sit on the shelf and collect dust? Or maybe you got the inspiration but you put it in the attic or basement of your mind where it still sits unfulfilled.

To be truly creative requires both steps. The American poet and diplomat James Russell Lowell said it this way: “Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.”

And Julia Cameron famous author of “The Artist’s Way,” had this to say, “Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.”

There is a part of us that knows how to do the Creativity Dance. In order to let that ability to come through, we have to practice doing step number two.

All the best,


Listen to the recorded version.

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