- Thoughts for inspired living

April 2, 2019

Happy 😄

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 5:40 am

Ben white 128604 unsplashWhat makes me happy? This is the question that popped into my mind early this morning. I came up with countless answers, of which I will only list a few . . .

• I’m happy when I see a dog hanging its head outside a car window.

• It makes me happy to see a happy ending movie.

• It makes me happy when I make someone laugh.

But this is not just about me; it’s about you too.

“Happy” is a matter of focus. It seems that most of our focus is on troublesome thoughts . . . until we notice.

Learn to catch yourself thinking. Troublesome thoughts will always be a part of our life. But if we keep non-stop focus on them, we miss many happy thoughts.

No one is totally happy. Anyone who claims they are has a truckload of snake oil.

Develop the habit of noticing (observing) your thinking. Just by noticing, we create a space between our thoughts. In that space, take a moment to think about what makes you happy. It’s a pleasant respite from doom and gloom.

Did you ever notice that happy thoughts deliver warm bodily feelings? Warm always melts ice. Take a moment to purposely feel nice.

All the best,


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