“What are your intentions, young man?” is a well worn line from old movies, but our intentions today are as essential to successfully living as they ever were.
The Grasshopper awakened me with this: “Intention: Giving flow somewhere to go.”
Intentions give our creative juices a groove to follow to a specific destination rather than too many canals that lead to petered out and watered down.
When your creative juices are channeled, you have an intention that has a prayer, rather than passively praying that it will come to pass.
How do we channel our intentions?
One secret is to give up the notion that there is no work involved. The set-it-and-forget-it approach makes for great theory but as my late teacher Dr. Dave Dobson said: “Theory is bullshit and defending your theory is bullshit squared.”
Your intention needs a plan of action otherwise it remains a wish.
Additionally, the number of intentions we have on our active list would benefit by being pared down and prioritized.
The hallmark of someone struggling to have their intentions come to pass is a wish list that even makes fairies weary.
If your flow has too many places to go, you have scattered focus and scattered results. You can’t have it all and you can’t do it all, and the longer you hang on to those notions, the longer you delay your intentions.
When I see lack of specific intention, I find a person in love with the idea of being a “Renessaince Man or Woman.” They have fallen in love with a fairy tale and believe that fruition is just another magic apple bite away.
“Today I’ll paint; tomorrow I’ll write; Friday I’ll read more on how to achieve world peace, and the weekend will be dedicated to finding the magic bullet for everything.” Your flow has too many places to go which is why you are going nowhere.
Hang on to your dreams; just don’t turn them into scattered nightmares by leaving them unprioritized and neglecting to dig a groove.
Focus your intentions and watch your fairy godmother’s wings begin to flap. If you are tired of watered down results, give your flow somewhere to go.
All the best,
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