Lots of folks intend. In many circles, intending would be called praying. You would think that we would give up on a practice that has worse odds than Whoopi Goldberg winning the “World’s Greatest Speaking Voice” contest, yet we persist.
Intending is like golf. You hit one good shot out of hundreds and you give the credit to your intention rather than to the odds.
Like you, I haven’t given up on intending, I just recognize that there are more productive ways of hitting the target more often. Two ways immediately come to mind:
1. Action
2. Without reason
Action is the piece left out of most intentions. We pray (translate “wish”) for something to happen and we want it to happen without any effort on our part. That’s actually drop-dead funny if you step back and look at it in the light of day.
Intention without action competes with winking in the dark for the least effective strategy for scoring.
Your odds will improve if you add action to your prayers.
Without reason is a bit harder to grasp but improves the hit rate of your intentions when implemented.
Have you noticed that your intentions are loaded with reasons? “Dear God, I need a new car. Lord knows that I’ve been a good person and faithful servant who is truly deserving of reliable transportation.” Sound familiar?
We justify our intention with a reason. Let me illustrate how that strategy plays out in your mind. Your mind hears your reasons and then counters them with opposing assertions. “Good person?!! Remember when you gossiped on the church steps right after services? And I don’t call it faithful going to church once every six weeks. You don’t even deserve a rusted bicycle with flat tires.”
So your mind gets you focused on all the reasons you can’t get what you desire and puts your intention in the fuzziest of focus. Tough to hit a target when you can’t see it.
Consider intending without reason. “I intend on getting a new car.” Period. Your mind will still have opposition to your declaration, but not as much as reasons will give it.
You increase your odds by simply getting your mind less cluttered. You now have a clearer goal to shoot for.
If you think about it for just a moment, praying is really goal setting. When you add action and subtract reason, you streamline the process and your intention has a prayer of succeedin’.
All the best,
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