- Thoughts for inspired living

January 2, 2008


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 7:58 am

I was watching the movie THE KINGDOM on DVD the other night. It’s a shoot-em’-up with a message. The message is that conflict will never end when we pass our conflicts on to succeeding generations.

Americans have to look no further than the Civil War to remind them of transferred bias. I’ve conducted seminars in every state north and south of the Mason-Dixon Line and there is a predisposition that exists about northerners in the south and southerners in the north.

There is a pre-conceived mindset about these “other” people, although many have never experience them first hand. Stereotypes have been handed down from generation to generation and then get reinforced and cemented in place by TV shows and movies.

To state that bias exists is like making a pronouncement that Polar Bears are white or that Pee Wee Herman’s career is over. The real question is how does it burn out for good?

I don’t think it ever will for the culture at large but it can for you and me. It really comes down to getting naked. That means we have to strip ourselves down to who we really are to discover that the “other” is none other than us. This is not to say that we won’t have disagreements with people. That will always be the case because we are human. It’s making them the enemy and separate from us that keeps the conflict alive.

Once we recognize that we all came from and will return to the same Kingdom, then the war is over. Like everything else worthwhile, it begins with small steps. Make a commitment to just start recognizing yourself in another and them in you. Just this simple exercise will begin to melt away some of the otherness and lay the groundwork to end the skirmish.

There is a hymn that has the lyrics, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” That’s a wonderful way to begin the New Year.

All the best,


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