- Thoughts for inspired living

July 27, 2017

Selective Resistance

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:43 am

ResistanceDo you have some resistance as to whom you’ll learn from? In the past, I know I did. I conflated people I didn’t like with any information they had to offer. As a result, I missed a lot.

The Grasshopper chimed in with this yesterday: “You can learn even from somebody you don’t like.”

As a personal illustration of this, there is someone who is very skilled that I am Facebook friends with that I just can’t warm up to. Almost everything he posts accentuates the things about him that I don’t like. I have a visceral response to this person. That said, I have learned quite a bit from his expertise.

He is quite accomplished and very knowledgeable. I would have missed out on many of his pearls of wisdom if I globally painted him with my prejudicial brush.

We can learn from everyone we meet. What stands in the way of our learning is a wall of resistance that doesn’t separate the wheat from the chaff. (Gluten free folks, please substitute a different metaphor).

This is just a reminder that we hinder our own learning when we decide that there are certain people we can’t learn from.

Want to learn more? Resist less.

All the best,


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