- Thoughts for inspired living

April 24, 2017

I Agree

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 4:14 am

Did you ever Yesnotice it takes more energy to disagree than to agree?

It’s easier to say yes than it is to say no. But no seems to win the day, at least for me.

My theory up to this point has been, it’s easier to backtrack from a no than it is to a yes.

Taking back a yes yields disappointment. Taking back a no is greeted with elation.

My theory may work when raising teenagers but I believe it’s outdated in everyday life. Yes seems to be the better answer when looking for a fuller life.

Saying yes more often leads to more opportunities. There’s no guarantee that they’ll work out, but you can be sure they will show up in more abundance than if you say no.

I’m training myself to say yes more often. It’s a work in progress. It’s a guaranteed method to be exposed to more of what the world has to offer. No just screams, “Stop the world, I want to get off.”

Looking for more opportunity? Yes or no?

If you answered no, you’ll continue to have the life you have. If you answered yes, pack your bags for a new journey.

All the best,


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