- Thoughts for inspired living

March 28, 2017


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 5:34 am

PuzzledI was talking with one of my sons last night when The Grasshopper interrupted our conversations with this:

“You’re a puzzle solver but you want to be a puzzle maker.”

Are you constantly solving problems? If so, that doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for creativity – a force that makes you feel alive.

In order for creativity to come in, we have to get out of our heads. If our heads are constantly filled with problems, we stay trapped inside the border, and creativity is just past the edge of our puzzle.

When our troubles and woes take up most of our mental real estate, there’s not much room for creativity to visit. After all, there’s only so much room inside.

If you’re puzzled how to get outside of your head, notice what’s going inside it. That means to catch yourself thinking. Then observe, not judge, your thoughts.

Observation of your mind at work separates you from the notion that you are your thoughts. You’re not. Prove it to yourself by watching your mind work. After just a bit of noticing, you’ll notice that your mind has a mind of it’s own and doesn’t need your participation. It will prattle on and challenge you to fight with it.

Observing your thoughts rather than doing battle with them, creates space. It’s in that space that you make room for creativity.

We’re all creative, we just have to get out of our head long enough for creativity to make an entrance.

Puzzled? Begin the habit of noticing your mind at work. It’s a guaranteed way to find the missing piece – Creativity.

All the best,


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