- Thoughts for inspired living

August 14, 2014


Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:57 am

C429801 mThe Grasshopper offered up a new definition this morning: “Evolving: When new thoughts come more often than judgements.”

I think it is helpful to notice there is a difference between discernment and judgement. My sense is that discernment is fact based; judgement is based on pre-judgement. Based on my definition, that makes judgement an old thought.

When we have a judgement, it’s nothing new, just an old judgement revisiting. We don’t learn anything new with a judgement.

A new thought comes in un-judged. There is no prejudgement to compare it to.

So how do we evolve to new thoughts vs. judgements?

Notice the difference.

When a thought pops in, take the time to notice whether it’s old or new. By doing so, you are putting your thought apparatus on notice that you’re paying attention to what it’s delivering.

Just by noticing the flavor of your thoughts, you set up a filter that makes old thoughts harder to get through. New thoughts are much faster and more porous than any filter can handle, so they just breeze on by, while the older, slower thoughts get stopped at the border.

Want to evolve? Start noticing your judgements.

All the best,


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