- Thoughts for inspired living

July 18, 2013

Best Friends

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 6:48 am

C414578 mHere’s a question worth reflection: How come your body’s not your best friend?

We spend every minute of our lives with our body but too often we give it the Cinderella stepsister cold shoulder.

We fall in love with our minds even though we experience constant betrayal from them, but we don’t offer that love to our bodies often enough.

Not only is your body your constant companion; it does what it’s supposed to do every time. For example, your body will turn copious amounts of junk food into fat. That’s what it’s supposed to do. It will also slim down and respond with more energy when you feed it more healthfully.

“Take care of your body” is a throw away phrase in our culture. They are empty words that aren’t backed up. We’re not taking care of our bodies when we constantly complain about them – when all they are doing is what they were designed to do.

When we are in physical pain, we curse our bodies. Our bodies are producing the pain because that’s what they are designed to do. Pain is a red flag that something is going on with us that needs to be remedied.

Too often the remedy is to numb our bodies rather than explore what’s causing the pain. I’d be the first in line for a pain pill if I was in severe pain but that’s not the pain many people are numbing.

Your body knows the answer to your situation; your mind keeps guessing. We keep inquiring of our mind and all it does is spin out one theory after another. Inquiring of our bodies will get quicker results.

Take a moment of quiet time and ask your body what’s causing your pain? Don’t listen for an answer from your mind, feel an answer with your body. Your body will send you a signal; you just have to pay attention to it.

Once you get a signal, ask your body for another remedy besides pain – one that serves the purpose of alerting you, but doesn’t incapacitate you. Your body is flexible and can sing more than one song. You just have to make friends with it and then make your request.

Making friends with your body will short-circuit the caterwauling of your mind and is a more direct way to get you out of your bind.

Today, introduce yourself to your new best friend – Your body!

All the best,


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