- Thoughts for inspired living

March 25, 2008

Laundry Day

Filed under: John Morgan's Blog — John Morgan @ 7:43 am

Yesterday was laundry day for me. No not the kind where you gather all the clothes from the hamper and wash, dry and fold them. It was a practice that came to me during my morning meditation. I think you’ll enjoy laundry day.

I learned about Ho’oponopono from my friend, Mark Ryan about a year ago and my friend, Jonathan Manske is also quite taken by the work of Dr. Hew Len of Hawaii. One application of Ho’oponopono, as done by Dr. Hew Len, has you bring to mind a condition you see in another and realize that the condition is also in you – since we all contain the one life force that animates everything. Dr. Len then goes through a 4 phrase repetitive process that has him address that part of him that has the condition. The 4 phrases are: I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you. He believes this cleanses that part of you and therefore cleanses the condition in another. Dr. Hew Len calls it cleaning. He has used it with amazing results that can be read about in Joe Vitale’s book, ZERO LIMITS.

The process that came to me yesterday is not as involved as Ho’oponopono, yet I believe it accomplishes the same cleaning task without the 4 phrase mantra. Begin your meditative practice, whatever it is, and when you begin to feel the peace of the meditation, just mentally invite that person with that condition into your state of presence. That’s it. You can imagine that they are there with you bathing in the rejuvenating essence of healing peace allowing their spirit to be laundered. Whatever peace you are feeling is automatically having an effect on them.

It’s not necessary to visualize a specific outcome for them, nor is it productive. Just invite them into the peace you’re feeling and allow that peace to work whatever magic it deems necessary for that person. Don’t impose your will on what the peace should accomplish – just let it do what it does.

My favorite part of the Mass of the Catholic Religion is the sign of peace. The priest says the phrase, “The peace of the Lord be with you always.” The response to that phrase is, “And also with you.” Then he says, “Let us offer each other a sign of peace.” Then there is a sharing of the phrase, “Peace be with you” between parishioners as they handshake, hug, or whatever is the local custom. It is a sharing of the peace of God.

I think you can share whatever peace you feel with anyone you choose without too much fanfare.

Again, here is the simple practice:

1. Get into a meditative state where you are feeling the peaceful effects.

2. Mentally invite in the person you want to share that peace with.

3. Sit together in unimpeachable silence.

I can offer no evidence that it works. What I can attest to is the feeling I receive as a result of doing the meditation. It’s wonderful.

Drop me an email and let me know how it works for you at

Peace be with you,


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