Do You Want Peace? - Grasshopper
The Grasshopper offered this up recently: “Do you want peace or do you want to be right?”
It seems the two can’t peacefully co-exist.
As in the binary, digital world, it’s either a 1 or a 0. You can’t have both. A light can’t be on or off at the same time.
If you’re on a soapbox pleading for peace, you can’t forcefully demand the right way to get there.
To me, the ultimate goal of peace is peace of mind. You’ll never reach that goal with two competing outcomes.
Many moons ago, The Grasshopper said, “Some people would rather be right than happy. And preferring to be right, they are left out.” They’re left out of the peace process.
If you truly want peace, it’s productive to be open to all the avenues that will take you there, rather than put up roadblocks to any roadway but yours.
This isn’t about abandoning your principles; it’s about recognizing there are many ways to get to heaven, not just the “right “way.
All the best,
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