- Thoughts for inspired living

Resource Review - Grasshopper

We all have internal resources that seem hidden from view, that is until we do a resource review.

Did you ever accomplish something you thought you couldn’t do and then you surprised yourself and everyone else around you.

If you’ve done something like that more than once, it’s more than luck. You’ve tapped into resources that you didn’t think you had.

If you’re facing an uphill climb, it’s time to review what’s sublime, which, by the way, rhymes with divine.

It’s time to catalog all those times when you rose above the fray and frankly, saved the day.

When you reflect on and review all the times you succeeded when failure seemed like the only option, you realize you have resources in reserve that serve you and give you the verve and nerve to rise to the occasion.

Success isn’t guaranteed, but odds are greatly increased that your elbow will receive the proper amount of grease to do what’s necessary to succeed.

Reviewing your resources lets you know they’re there. That’s often enough to tap into them again and make your current fight a little more fair.

All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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