- Thoughts for inspired living

How To Get Out Of Your Head - Grasshopper

If there’s a common thread for humanity, it’s got to be, being in your head.

People the world over spend most of their time in their head thinking it’s a useful place to be.  It isn’t.

Being in your head is being in a trance. You’re no longer present when you’re constantly inside having a chat with your thinking machine.

When you’re not present, life passes you by and you miss the parade of what life has to offer. 

Inside our head, it’s a made up world, not the actual one we live in.

Being in your head less often lets you experience your life more often. No hallucinated imitations, just the real thing.

So how do we get out of our head? The first and most important step is to notice you’re in there.

Your mind has a mind of its own and it will prattle on around the clock, nonstop. Stop and notice yourself thinking. When you take the time to notice your mind chattering away, you realize that you’re not your thoughts, something you’ve believed your entire life. 

The real you is the observer of your thoughts, not the thoughts themselves. It’s an eye-opening discovery to find out you’re not your thoughts. They’re separate and apart from you and don’t define you.

So the two-step process for getting out of your head is to:

1. Notice that you’re in there.
2. Observe your mind at work as a bystander, not a participant.

This two-step method interrupts the process of thinking, and done regularly, quiets your mind, because it now knows you’re observing it and discovering that it’s not you. The curtain has finally been pulled back on the great Oz. 

This isn’t a one time thing. Your mind is resilient. This needs to become a regular practice – to notice that you’re thinking, and observing your mind on automatic pilot. 

When your mind gets found out, it loses its ability to shout, so often, because it knows what it’s been selling isn’t what you’re now buying, so what’s the use in trying?

You now know a formula that works. The only question left is: How soon will you get out of your head?

All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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