- Thoughts for inspired living

GOD - Grasshopper

Has anyone ever asked you if you believe in God?

My guess is plenty and often.

Wars have been fought and continue to be waged in God’s name. So who is this God they’re talking about?

Just about everyone has their version of the almighty, and some will argue ’til the cows come home that their rendition of God is the true and only one.

Seems like everyone has an opinion; here’s mine.

I’m sold on the concept of God; I just can’t buy into any religious version.

I realize that religions put their angle of view on the mystery that no one has yet to solve, but it’s when that version gets shoved at me, I begin to flee.

I think even atheists can agree that there’s something that makes the grass grow green in Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America, but it’s the folks, perhaps even on your team, that lay claim that it’s only their guy/gal who’s responsible.

I have no problem in believing in something you can’t validate. We all do it. In fact, there are still people who fervently believe that Big Bands will make a comeback. As long as that belief isn’t hurting anyone, what’s the harm?

To me, God has more flavors than Baskin-Robbins. So pick one or remain dairy free, just don’t insist I have to worship “cherry, almond, watermelon, jubilee.”

All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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