What Are My Options? - Grasshopper
I believe, aside from a specific goal we may desire, that all of us want more options. We’re not “one-size-fits-all” creatures, so present us with more features.
But we seem to box ourselves in with an “either/or” mentality. We think it’s either this or that, when, in fact, it’s broader than that.
Maybe in North Korea, when you’re looking at food choices, it’s either Korean or fasting, but elsewhere there’s more on the bill of fare.
I’ve stated before that there’s a difference between “thinking positive” and being optimistic. Thinking positive is just hoping; being optimistic actually presents options. It takes the blinders off so our thinking isn’t so limited.
There’s a reason that they block the peripheral view of a horse when it’s drawing a wagon. They want it to remain on course and not be able to view other options so it doesn’t go in another direction.
Get in the practice of asking yourself, “What are my options?” It presents more possibilities. It’s like brainstorming. You may get some absurd answers that just aren’t possible, but that preposterous option may be the spring board to one that works.
Unblock your thinking and expand your horizons by considering more options instead of just “one-size-in.”
All the best,
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