- Thoughts for inspired living

Below Your Beliefs - Grasshopper

What if you could rid yourself of all your beliefs? What would be the result? You would find out who you are below your beliefs.

Here’s a mental exercise to do that’ll help you discover a deeper you.


Pretend for a moment that everything you believe is bullshit. Yeah, that’s right. That means to imagine that all your beliefs are bogus, from your sacred cows to the tooth fairy. Suspend all your religious, political, social, scientific, metaphysical, and every other kind of belief you have. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to collect any or all of them back after doing the exercise.


Go to work on your most fervent belief first and imagine that you’ve been misled your entire life. Pretend this life-long certainty is a fairy tale and put it in a garbage pail. Then move on to the next one on your list and add it to the receptacle. Now you’re starting to get the gist.


Continue to imagine moving your remaining beliefs to the can and then put it out for collection, kicking it to the curb so to speak. Watch the garbage truck take your beliefs far away and start to notice that they no longer hold any sway.


Pay attention to your feelings of being belief free. Notice the sensations in your body. My guess is you’ll feel lighter, or maybe a better word is “unburdened.” It takes a lot of energy to maintain a belief and letting them be hauled away provides you with welcome relief.


Notice, too, that your thinking has quieted down. It’s in this less noisy mind that a deeper you can be found. You now have access to an unlimited database of wisdom that offers you a wider view of all that’s available to you. It’s in these moments that you’re likely to find a broader you that no belief can define.


You can do this exercise anytime you feel weighted down by your beliefs. By doing this mental excursion you suspend them and, after a time, don’t be too surprised if you upend them.


Often, it’s a belief that holds us in place. That’s why it’s valuable to create space in your mind to find out what’s below your beliefs. It’s a veritable gold mine.


All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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