- Thoughts for inspired living

Seeing Without Interpretation - Grasshopper

What would it be like to see things without the filter of interpretation? That’s what you’ll find out when you begin the following practice.

We’ll start easy and build from there. Pick up something ordinary like a pen or pencil and just observe it in your hand. Observing it is not describing it. Observing is seeing without commentary.

Just see the item in your hand and keep your attention on it. What you’ll notice, after a bit of observation, is that your thoughts will calm down and your mind will become quiet, if only for a moment or two.


The key is to build on that experience and observe for longer periods of time. This will translate to more moments of silence. You are building the habit of quieting your mind and making room for new creative ideas and solutions to enter.


A quiet mind is a creative mind, and it all begins with observation.


You can do this practice with anything or anyone. You can observe a tree or a person. What’s observed doesn’t matter. It’s the act of observing that does.


The real magic begins when your thoughts end. It’s just you being aware of what’s there. This practice opens you up, as the computer folks would say, to greater bandwidth. You’ll have more access to more answers when you see without interpretation.


Don’t believe me. I could have made all this up. My request is for you to start observing more often and notice how easy it is to get into that creative space that observation transports you to.


If seeing is believing, then observation without interpretation creates receiving.


All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

Make sure to download a FREE copy of my ebook: INTER RUPTION: The Magic Key To Lasting Change here.

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