- Thoughts for inspired living

Being A ‘Know-it-All’ Makes You Hopelessly Helpless - Grasshopper

If you "know" all the answers and still have a problem, you know very little.

I fall into the broad category of people helper and have assisted thousands of people to make changes they thought were impossible. The people I can't help, nor can you, are the ones who don't believe they need help OR already "know" what they need to know.


The amount of people who argue for their limitations through "knowing" is staggering. They are beyond your reach. You would have more luck arguing with a drunk.


"But I want to help them" is your plea. If you figure out how to do that, please let me know because I don't know how to help them. Perhaps not knowing is the vehicle that will eventually take me to a solution that I haven't yet thought of.


My hypnosis teacher Dr. Dave Dobson was fond of responding to this question: "Can you help me to (fill in the blank)?" He would reply, "I don't know what's not possible."


Not knowing is the doorway to knowing. If we could put on hold what we know for just a few moments, we just may find an opening worth exploring. When we remove the blinders of knowing, our field of vision increases to include more possibilities.


Knowing what you don't know takes suspension of what you do know.


If you have an ongoing problem that's been with you for a long time, you would benefit greatly by forgetting what you know about it and exploring the unknown. That begins by checking your bag at the door to the room known as "possibilities." You can certainly pick up your backpack of "knowns" on your way out, but enter the space free from the burden of knowing.


I request that you adopt this attitude towards knowing: I don't know what I don't know. It's a relatively unknown way to get your creative juices to flow.


All the best,


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