- Thoughts for inspired living

Is Your Toner Running Low? - Grasshopper

Anyone who's operated a copy machine can attest to being there when the toner cartridge was low. Their prints were not as sharp and defined as they were with the proper amount of toner.

Is the toner in your life in low supply? I know mine has been at times. I call it the "nobody loves me" mode. My passion (toner) is at a low ebb and nothing seems to be in crisp, clear focus. Life is hard to read.


Even things that have brought me joy in the past fade in passion when my toner runs low. Low passion is a warning sign that you're about to run out of toner. And if that happens, life just fades away.


It's valuable to notice when you're at a low point. It's the noticing that gives you the opportunity to do something about it. Not noticing makes it seem like a self-fulfilling prophecy that you have a date with destiny.


Let's take a look at my low point warning: "Nobody loves me." That is my red flag to start to take notice of all the examples to the contrary. Even if I can't seem to find any, I'm still left with the option of "I love me."


When you find a counter-example to your assertion, it opens the door to possibility. When the possibility door is open, creativity is not too far behind. Creativity is passion by another name.


Passion resurfaces when possibilities are explored.


If you've slipped into the gray area of life where passion seems absent, take the time to consider possibilities. "What if?" questions are a great start.  Start to explore possibilities even if they seem remotely possible. Think of the Norman Vincent Peale quote: "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."


If you notice your passion is running low, the remedy is to explore possibilities. When you consider what's possible, the engine of creativity is engaged. When that happens, a clear print is not far behind.


All the best,


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