- Thoughts for inspired living

"Because" Justifies; It Doesn’t Explain - Grasshopper

If there is one word worthy of being retired, it's "because."

For example, "I celebrate on St. Patrick's Day because I'm Irish" becomes "I celebrate on St. Patrick's Day." No "because" is necessary to explain your celebration.


Hardly anyone pays rapt attention to what is said after "because." The judge says, "I ruled against you because you didn't live up to the terms of the agreement." The justification or explanation of how he decided may as well have been whispered. The loud and clear part is: "I ruled against you."


"Because" causes us to explain ourselves when no explanation is needed and has people tune out right after we say it. Even if they pay attention after "because," it's only to formulate an argument against the justification. That argument can only escalate.


"I'm fat because I got my father's genes" will justify staying overweight. "Because" keeps you in place.


If you want to move forward, you have to leave "because" behind.


If you're a parent, you know that "because" lengthens the storm. "It's time for bed" needs no justification. If you say, "It's time for bed because you need 8 hours of sleep," you open the door to the notion that "8 hours" is debatable.


If you get in the habit of making declarative statements without the equivocation of "because," you'll avoid justifying yourself and you'll have more time for less debates.


For me, the only time "because" works is as a one word answer after being asked "Why?"


All the best,


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