A Genuine Leader Finds His Way Before He Finds Followers - Grasshopper
A leader is a pathfinder who has a clear indication of True North that guides his every step. Wouldn’t this be someone you’d want to follow? What if that leader is you?
What would happen if you took your own lead? You may find out that you are being lead astray by your current crop of leaders.
As an example, look at many of our political leaders. They would have you believe that the source of our problems is either upstream or downstream. It’s always some form of “Those bastards!” They lead us around by the nose until we notice that something smells. They’re leading us to where they know our prejudice will follow. That’s not leadership; that’s pandering.
Thomas Edison wasn’t looking for followers when he lit the way to our future. He followed his own lead and followers became a natural byproduct of his many discoveries.
How do we become our own leader?
It begins when we notice we are being lead away. It’s the moment we catch on to the magic trick and no longer follow the hand that’s designed to distract our attention. That moment of discovery is when we find there is no one to blame.
Blame is the universal illusion that keeps us following false leads.
The more time we spend with blame, the less time we spend blazing new trails. Blame leads us around the same bend again and again, not to a solution, but back to the source of our stagnation.
When we notice that we are being controlled and limited by blame, we lead the way to brighter days. We, first, become our own follower, and then clear a path that others can successfully follow.
By all means, bring attention to misdeeds and factually assign responsibility; just don’t wallow in the blame. You won’t be able to wash off the smell, and blame won’t lead you to heaven; it’ll just make you follow someone into hell.
All the best,
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