You Rob Yourself of Life When You Dance Away From Your Depth - Grasshopper
Are you “managing” your life? If so, you are side stepping your depth.
Managing our life is based on the illusion of control. We falsely believe that if we keep on dancing, that we’ll keep our illusion alive. It’s a lot of work.
Control is like any other lie; you have to keep track of it to keep it straight.
In the opposite direction of control is depth. It’s the place where control dies and life lives.
“Many are called but few are chosen” is a great biblical phrase that illustrates how we avoid the depth of life. We’re offered the opportunity to dance with depth many times throughout our lives, but we dance away in the direction of control.
Surrendering to depth is scary for someone who believes in control. When someone doesn’t believe that there is something deeper to them than what they perceive on the surface, they will stay on the dance floor to the point of exhaustion.
It’s sad to watch in another and even sadder to experience yourself. It’s as though we’ve never heard the Shakespeare line, “All that glitters isn’t gold.”
Have you noticed that you’re constantly out of breath attempting to keep control alive? Depth will help you catch your breath.
Depth begins when we stop dancing away from what’s right in front of us. There is enough evidence before us that control has never worked and will never work. Once we take the time to notice that we’re surrounded by the evidence, we can stop dancing away and surrender to depth.
Depth begins when control ends.
When you give up control, you discover deeper resources that can never be found while dancing away from depth.
This sounds like a fairy tale to someone who hasn’t explored their depth yet. One dance with depth and you’re hooked.
It’s hard to imagine that something we have danced away from for years can provide so much more than all the control we’ve ever manufactured.
Dancing with the Devil is dancing with control. It’s tempting and it takes you nowhere.
Dancing with your depth takes you all places at once and requires only one lesson - learning that control is a dance that will never make you whole.
All the best,
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