- Thoughts for inspired living

The Memory Machine - Grasshopper

Your mind is a memory machine, loaded with tapes and video of days gone by. If you’ve ever mistaken your mind as being who you are now, you have failed at history. It’s simply a recording device of your personal history.

Your personal historian will play back memories from 10 minutes ago to umpteen years ago and pretend what was happening then is happening now. And all the attendant emotions that happened then will resurface now.


We aren’t the movie being played for us. We are the watcher now, not the actor.


The memory machine attempts to trick us into thinking then is now and then is us. The mind is only a history teacher, not a student of now.


Your only job now is to make new memories, not relive old ones. Sure, a trip down memory lane can be a very pleasant vacation but attempting to put down roots there is planting in barren soil, where nothing new will grow.


When the chatter in your mind is unkind, just know it’s only a show, a bad Hallmark movie. You are not the labels or diatribe your mind cranks out. You are simply the watcher of the movie now, not its sacrificial cow.


If you continue to confuse your mind with you, you’ll find yourself in a never-ending stew, one that doesn’t agree with you.


Best to notice that your mind is a machine separate and apart from who you are that’s pretending to be your avatar.


Final thought: The real you has nothing to do with the output of the memory machine’s historical voodoo.


All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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