- Thoughts for inspired living

The Ultimate Catalyst - Grasshopper

Looking here at my dictionary I’m seeing the definition of the word “Catalyst.” The thing that precipitates an event.

We all dream or plan for events in our life to happen, but often they stay right there: in a dream or on a list. What those events need is a catalyst.


There is a one-size-fits-all catalyst that gets the ball rolling every time. That makes it the ultimate catalyst: Action!


Action is the universal stimulant to get plans and dreams off the drawing board.


We innately know it, but continually ignore it and go back to “inertia-ville” to find an easier way.


There is no way forward without action. According to the famous Bible story, even Jesus took action and had six stone pots of water gathered up before turning it into wine.


Your dream will remain a pipedream without some steam. To produce that driving gist, you need action, the ultimate catalyst.


Our conditioning has us believe that thinking about our plan some more will bring our dream to our door. That has never happened if you’re keeping score.


The only person who’s going to make your dream come true is you. But it will lack the necessary traction without the ultimate catalyst: Action!


All the best,


Hear the recorded version here.

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